Friday, February 16, 2018

Big Business and Industrialism

Big Business and Industrialism

  1.  Vertical and Horizontal integration were great for personal business but not for other competing businesses .Robber Baron Carnegie is popular for this action. His version was to help the Bessemer Process which massively produced steel which was the company he was connected with.
  2. Robber Barons Vanderbilt and Rockefeller used the same tactics to gain control of surrounding businesses by dropping their prices and stealing the competitors customers to drive them out of business then driving up their prices again because they were the only option.
  3. Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest was accepted in this time period and social Darwinism was a common term used to describe and justify the different classes. Basically the rich were rich because they worked for it and deserved it and poor people were lazy and undeserving of the same opportunities they had which is not always true.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

How Does the Past Affect the Present?

Kiah Harris-PD 4

How Does the Past Affect the Present?

The past affects the present because everything happens for a reason and one thing leads to another. You can't see change if you do the same things the same way, that's why some topics and beliefs have never changed. Old and emerging stereotypes have not changed through the generations. These stereotypes include racial prejudice and social class ranking. You learn everything you know from your parents they have such a big influence on your upbringing and how you look at the world. Finally, the last reason that the past affects the future is you look at people's past achievements. One would try to go beyond or reach the same level of accomplishments that past generations have. People all around the world reach for the American Dream that was created in the 1930's. In conclusion, the reasons the past effects the future is copied behaviors, soaring for past achievements, and stereotypes.