Friday, March 23, 2018

30's Movie Evolution

Evolution of Movie Theaters

  • Movies in the 30's were mostly silent and black and white. It was a family event and you had to use your imagination to depict what the people where trying to say. The costs for movies were 5 cents compared to today where movie prices are marked up based on quality of the theatre. 
  • In modern day movies are in color mostly and play sound. 21st century technology allows for 3D and IMAX to be possible. Now with luxury movie theatres you could easily spend $100 on a movie. Normal movies also can mark up the price because leather, reclining seats. It's about 8-10 dollars normally now at a movie theater.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The Causes of World War 1

The Causes of World War 1

  • The formation of secret alliances were a problem in the alliance system. If you messed with a country with maybe not a lot of power and they were allied with a strong power now both of the countries were on you and it was an unfair fight.
An illustration of how the alliance system worked.
  • The "boom" of the war was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand who was the Archduke of Austria-Hungary. Austria-Hungary declared war first and thought it would be a small confrontation but the alliance system caused the conflict spread fast.
  • There were new technology and ways of fighting that were more inhumane for the time period. Trench warfare was a type of fighting where the soldiers were technically underground. This lead to stalemate and the spread of diseases from unhealthy living conditions.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Modern Day Muckraker- Emma Gonzalez

Emma Gonzalez 

I chose Emma Gonzalez as my Modern Muckraker because she speaks for an issue that effects me closely. She is one of the surviving victims of the Parkland Shooting who speaks for Gun Control and Gun Safety. Gonzalez is using her voice and real life experiences to convey how important Gun Safety is. She has already had impact on multiple big corporations like Wal-Mart and Dick's Sporting Goods by having them raise their age to buy a gun to 21. She and other survivors are putting together rallies called March for Our Lives and gaining social media attention by newscasts and hashtags like #neveragain and #wecallbs. I think the reason she has made so much change opposed to other adults in the past is because she has lived through it and other teens are speaking out because it directly effects us.

Video of Emma Gonzalez's Speech 

Emma Gonzalez's Twitter