Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Top 3 Life Lessons from History

Top 3 Life Lessons from History
1. Not everything that I know to be normal in my family hasn't always been social acceptable because I grew up in a biracial household. Although it was still happening throughout history that doesn't mean that it was praised, so I find that interesting and I'm thankful for the changes that were made for interracial families.
2. You need to watch how you treat people. Even if they seem insignificant to you they can come back with a vengeance like the Native Americans did.
3. A little competition is okay if it brings about helpful change. Although the Cold War was still a "war" it brought about many technological advances in the NASA world and also brought the world great pride for their country and their advancements.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Free Choice - The Great Society

The Great Society 
There were many different programs implemented in the 1960's. The most important of the 9 categories of programs in my opinion were

  • Health
  • War on Poverty
  • Civil Rights
The health category focuses on Medicaid and Medicare which help young and old people get medical attention when needed without worrying about the price. These programs still help families in low poverty situations receive medical attention today.

War on Poverty means to end the gap between the rich and poor. Its helping build the future up by incorporating programs like Job Corps that prepare young people in fields that help them maintain a sustainable life beyond school. Also food stamps were put in place to help void starvation in households. I have never personally been faced with this problem or had federal assistance of food stamps but i'm sure it helps struggling families to get a meal in the table.

The Civil Rights were impactful for the African American community. Obviously even now racism is still an issue but some change was made by leaders such as MLK and Malcolm X. Programs like the Acts of 1964, 1965, and 1968 made leaps in voiding the racial separation such as making segregation illegal and providing African American people the right to vote